Saturday, January 27, 2007


Are you weak in mathematics? No worries. Just get Perfect Key of Mathematics software developed by a 14-year-old whiz-kid. The programme solves from basic addition and subtraction to complicated algebra formulas at the press of a key.A student of seventh standard, Umair Seddiqi, began developing the software on Visual Basic 6.0 when he was 12. According to Seddiqi, it is not just for solving complicated formulas, but a learning tool to develop mathematics skills for weak students. Seddiqi's interest in computers began when he was ten years old. A self-taught pupil, he soon learnt basic concepts and functions, and became curious to discover secrets of software and various applications.His project aims to build mathematics software for standards one to ten. He has already developed the software for the fifth and sixth standards and expects the entire project to be completed when he is in the 11th standard.

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