Friday, December 22, 2006

contemporary mathematicians of india

Narendra Karmakar, now at TIFR formerly of UC Berkeley and AT&T Bell Labs. Read about him here:
Madhu Sudan, Professor, MIT, read about him here:
Rajiv Motwani, Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, read here:
Prabhakar Raghavan, Professor of Computer Science at Stanford and Head of Yahoo! Research at US, as you can find out here:
Among the ones who are alive, I can think of Abhyankar who is a famous algebraic geometer.Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar (born 1930)in an Maharashtrian koknastha Brahmin family is an Indian mathematician known for his contributions to singularity theory. His name is associated with Abhyankar's conjecture of finite group theory.Read;
Manjul Bhargava (born 1974) is a professor of mathematics at Princeton University. His research interests span algebraic number theory, combinatorics, and representation theory. He graduated from Harvard University in 1996 and received his doctorate from Princeton in 2001, working under Andrew;

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