1..Check the differentiability of arg(z)
2.Prove that if the primal problem has a unbounded solutaion,then duel problem has no feasible solution.
3...Show that sin(x)and cos(x) are of bounded variation over a finite interval.
4..Find the limit point of sequence (m+1/n),where m,n are natural numbers.
5..Determine the uniformly continuity of tan(inverse)x over R.
6..IF the set of all polynomials with rational cofficients is countable.
7..Suppose V is finite dimensionl vector space.suppose T is a linear operator ov V, such that rank(T)=rank(T*2).find the intersection of kernel(T) and imag (T).
8..How many homomorphism are there Z into Z.
9.Find the differential equation of all straight lines at a unit distance from the origin.
10..Find the differential equation arising of f(x+y+z,x*2+y*2-z*2).
11..Determine the dimension of vectorspaceW of the fllowing n*n matrices.
a..Symmetric matrices
b..Antisymmetric matrices
c...Diagonal matrices
d..Scalar matrices
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