Thursday, December 07, 2006


1..area of tringle with sides 4,11,9.
2.a person goes from A to B with speed 60 kilometer per hour and return back with 40 kilometer per hour.what is his average speed..
3.what is probability of 53 sundays in a leap year.
4..which is greater sin1 or sin1 degree
5.. total divisors of 3600
6..number of proper subset of a set having n elements.
7..sum of internal angeles of 7-gon.
8..10 peoples can sit around a table in howmany ways.
9..does a syestem homogeneous linear equation always has a solution. phi is rational.


Dr. Ankik Kumar Giri said...

good article ....

Anonymous said...

if a function defined on real numbers defined such that f(x+1)=f(x) also it is continous.Then how can you prove that it is bounded function. That is contain maximum as well as minumum value.