Saturday, February 10, 2007


The revised Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®) General Test will be offered for the first time worldwide in September, officials of the GRE Board announced today. The first test dates will be September 10, 15 or 16, 2007 (depending upon location), and September 29, 2007.Scores from these first administrations will be available in early November after score scales have been established. Scores from subsequent administrations will be available within 15 to 18 business days of testing. Registration for the revised GRE General Test begins on July 1, 2007. The current GRE General Test will no longer be offered after July 31, 2007.The revised GRE General Test will emphasize the skills related to graduate study, which in many ways are the same skills students will use when they complete their graduate education and begin their professional careers," explains David Payne, GRE Executive Director. "With more than 3,100 institutions worldwide accepting the GRE, it is the test of choice for the graduate community."Instead of continuous testing, the exam will be given approximately 35 times a year worldwide. The number of administrations in any given region will depend on the test volumes in that region.

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