Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Facts in Geography Pre.( 2007 ) for UPSC

Facts in Geography Pre.( 2007 ) for UPSC
1 Tectonically stable areas of earth – North America ,Middle West ,Southern England , Northen France, Interior Brazil ,Central and Western Sahara
2.Elisee Recluse(1830-1905)- Ritter’s most active pupil and close discipline .best known for his 19-volume regional world geography (1875-1894). Recluse stand point showed a major departure from the traditional impricial genralization towards more objectively .
3.Professionalism – It refers to the stage of scientific maturity from the pre diagam period .
4.Four man themes from Darwn’s work are to be taken as significant contribution to the contemporary geographical thoughts from biology
A the idea of change through time
B the idea of organization and ecology
C the idea of struggle and selection
D .the randomness or chance character of variation in nature life
5.Region has been regarded as an unique functional complex mutually independent which despite a stready stream of material and energy is in apparent equilibrim and constitutes a whole ,which is more than sum of its parts .The understanding of the region found in the French school of regional geography
6 For Barrows-geography is the science of human ecology .geography will aim to make clear the relationship existing between natural environment and distribution and activities of man.
7 Ratzel compared the state to an organism the state as an organism attached to the land.The organic quality of states depends upon organization and interdependence of parts, it than assume properties of growth and competition and doing so goes beyond the organic analogies of the earth and geographical regions.
8.According Phenomenological Approach—there is no objective world.independent of man,s existence .all kind of knowledge proceed from the experience of the world and can not be independent of that world.
9.The traditional agricultural classification as presented by D. Whittlesey was based on four major dimensions of variation.
a—intensity, b—crop speciality , c—mobility, d—commerciality
10 major assumption in..Behavioural Geography
a—behavioural geography is multi disciplinary.
b--.the environment in which an individual acts is that ,which he perceive, it may be markedly different from the true nature of world.
c—individuals interact with their environment , responding to them,reshaping them.

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