Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Franklin D Roosevelt, a of President of USA once said "we cannot fully build the future for our youth but we can certainly build our youth for the future". We have a large system of higher education comprising about 18,000 colleges and nearly 380 universities.Approximately, there are about 11 million students in our higher education stream with annual fresh admissions close to three million.It was reported that every year in our country thousands of engineering graduates come out of hundreds of technical schools. Unfortunately not more than 25% of these freshers (barring IIT products) were found employable by the large industries and multinational companies. The reason is that a good number of these colleges lack basic infrastructure to impart a minimum set of relevan skills,knowledge.It appears that there exists about 1,700 business schools in our country sending out about 100,000 degree diploma holders of management. But their quality in general (with of course, a few good exceptions), judged through accreditation, recognition and performance of candidates is reckoned quite unsatisfactory .

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